Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Labneh à New York

Labneh. Staple of my lovely Mediterranean diet. So elusive in New York. My cousin said, I could find some, if I walk ten to fifteen blocks South. I shake my head, disappointed. In this cold?
So for the first post, here's a little story from my Facebook account, sorry for those who've read it already. This is the Lebanese Cuisine experience at Moustache:
The tabbouleh is not tabbouleh. It wants to grow up to be tabbouleh, once its ingredients mature ... and mix. But more importantly: the Labneh! The Labneh needs mili7. And the lovely blond waitress asks gently: Would you like some pita with your Labneh? - Yes! Walaw! I answer (inno duh bi shou bakela?) And so the waitress then asks: Would that be plain or whole wheat?
Halla2 the upside is that I got Almaza for dinner.

Moustache: 90 Bedford St., New York, NY 10014

1 comment:

Danah said...

haha once at an Arab restaurant in Toronto, I ordered labneh, you know what I got? jabneh bi kasat. That's not authentic labneh man.